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namespace bandwidthThrottle\tokenBucket\storage;
use malkusch\lock\mutex\Mutex;
use bandwidthThrottle\tokenBucket\storage\scope\GlobalScope;
use bandwidthThrottle\tokenBucket\storage\scope\SessionScope;
use bandwidthThrottle\tokenBucket\storage\scope\RequestScope;
* Token storage.
* The storage determines the scope for the token bucket. It therefore
* implements one of the *Scope marker interfaces:
* - {@link RequestScope}: The bucket is shared only within one request.
* - {@link SessionScope}: The bucket is shared between requests of one session.
* - {@link GlobalScope}: The bucket is shared among all processes.
* @author Markus Malkusch <markus@malkusch.de>
* @link bitcoin:1335STSwu9hST4vcMRppEPgENMHD2r1REK Donations
* @license WTFPL
interface Storage
* Returns the Mutex for this storage.
* @return Mutex The mutex.
* @internal
public function getMutex();
* Returns if the storage was already bootstrapped.
* @return bool True if the storage was already bootstrapped.
* @throws StorageException Checking the state of the storage failed.
* @internal
public function isBootstrapped();
* Bootstraps the storage.
* @param double $microtime The timestamp.
* @throws StorageException Bootstrapping failed.
* @internal
public function bootstrap($microtime);
* Removes the storage.
* After a storage was removed you should not use that object anymore.
* The only defined methods after that operations are isBootstrapped()
* and bootstrap(). A call to bootstrap() results in a defined object
* again.
* @throws StorageException Cleaning failed.
* @internal
public function remove();
* Stores a timestamp.
* @param double $microtime The timestamp.
* @throws StorageException Writing to the storage failed.
* @internal
public function setMicrotime($microtime);
* Indicates, that there won't be any change within this transaction.
* @internal
public function letMicrotimeUnchanged();
* Returns the stored timestamp.
* @return double The timestamp.
* @throws StorageException Reading from the storage failed.
* @internal
public function getMicrotime();